The Association
On the 30th March 2012, the E dans l’ O association was registered at Apt Sous-Préfecture as a non-profit organisation (reference W841001695) according to 1rst July 1901 law. Our offices are located at Lioux, a small village of Provence in the Luberon.
It is the result of a joint artistic creation with Quebec, hence its name: « O » standing for « Olivier »( an olive tree) and « E » for « Erable »( a maple tree).
The association has no Art Gallery of its own. Its favours unconventional venues for its exhibitions: old traditional washouses, heritage, wine producing estates. O dans l’E is run by volunteers who share a marked interest for all forms of pictural art and wish to make it accessible to all while giving it a real meaning.
This double purpose, linking culture and charity, was at the start of our project. We organised an exhibition/sale whose profits were dedicated to improving the lives of children in the Avignon Hospital, giving them more comfort and more attention. Small format paintings are priced at 130 Euros and half of that sum goes to our project. The larger formats, as well as the catalogue, also contribute.
Last year, after our second exhibition at Gordes « Art is child’s play » (in French « l’Art est un jeu d’Enfant »), we were able to donate 4500 Euros for, according to the pediatric ward’s wish, the purchasing of five fully stacked book trolleys and the financing of musical events in the children’s rooms.
This year donations will go to buying new amenities and small pieces of furniture for the young children’s waiting room as well as a baby foot for the older ones.